Top Lists You Should Make When You're Preparing For An Office Move

If you have found a new location for your office, you might be trying to do everything that you can to make sure that your office move is seamless and easy. Making lists while you're preparing for your office move will help you ensure that everything goes the right way. These are a few examples of different types of lists that you might want to make while you're scheduling, planning, and executing your move.

Potential Moving Companies

If you have already found an office moving company, you can obviously skip this step. If you haven't, though, you may want to start doing your research about different office moving companies in your area and gather their contact information. Then, you can contact each company to ask them a few questions and get quotes until you have narrowed down your list and made your choice. This will help you be sure that you save money on your office move and that you have chosen a company that will handle your company's furniture, electronics, and other important items carefully.

A To-Do List

Even if you are going to be hiring an office moving company to help you with moving everything to your new office, you are probably still going to want to make a to-do list. On it, you can list all of the things that you need to do to handle your office move, such as scheduling the moving date with your moving company, contacting the utility companies to have utilities turned off and on, changing your office's address online and in advertisements, and more. Then, as you handle different things while working towards your move, you can cross these things off of your list.


It's not a bad idea to take an inventory of all of your company's products as you're handling your move. Then, you can be sure that everything is properly protected and accounted for during the move. You can also use this helpful list for things like updating your commercial insurance policy.

Special Instructions

When you work with an office moving company, you should be able to trust the professional office movers to handle your company's items with care. If you have special instructions about how certain things should be packaged or handled, however, you should make a list of these special requirements. Then, you can give the list to your movers so their staff members will know how to handle your possessions properly.
